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They Call Me Jenny

-My Motto- 

"Always Have Courage And Be Kind"

 It is hard to picture my world before I began yoga because yoga is my entire life now. Yoga was an inward journey and led me to find out more about myself than I could have ever imagined. Before yoga, I was going through the motions of life like a robot. I was lost, with no guidance, and avoiding emotional pain from the death of my father. Now yoga has given me life, a purpose, and a sense of clarity. I am daily becoming a better version of myself physically and mentally because of this beautiful practice. I feel closer to my truest self. No more robot.


-My Mission-

My goal as a teacher and wellness coach is to give all who cross my path the opportunity to feel what I experienced. I encourage everyone to have an open heart and begin to let themselves shine the way they are meant to. I help people learn how to sync the body and mind to create mental, physical, and overall wellness in their lives. I guide people to a life with peace and abundance. In order to FLOURISH, we must  make space and release what no longer serves us. 


-My Background-

I have been teaching for 4 years. I put my heart and soul into what I do.  I am a 500 HR E-RYT. My YTT ( Yoga Teacher Training) focused on vinyasa, yin, and meditation. I am also certified in Personal Training, Nutrition, Yoga Nidra, BUTI Yoga, and Reiki. I am known for the experience I provide. Yoga should be an experience physical, mental, and energetic so I take pride in providing that.


-What I Offer-

Most people are looking for more, but don't know where to start. On top of that, they need to commit to change and deepen within themselves to get what they really want. Everyone needs a support system; I'll be that angel on your shoulder. I'll teach you when it gets hard, to not give up, and push through. Some days it's important to sweat more than you can ever imagine. On other days, rest when your body tells you to. Learn to listen to your body, and let go of the, "I must do it all in one-day mentality". Consistency is key. Growing and healing aren't linear, it's a rollercoaster ride. Give yourself some grace. I offer services that cover the mental, physical, and spiritual domains so you feel balanced from the inside out. I challenge you on purpose because I would rather you leave with more than what you came with. 

Come experience the magic with me to find your brightest self.


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Have Questions? 

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My biggest fans speak from the heart :

I knew from the first time I met jenny that she was going to have a significant impact on my life. Her infectious smile and loving energetic personality make anyone feel warm inside. Just by going to her classes, you can feel how passionate she is about what she does. She is so connected to herself, always using her divine intuition to feel into what her students need that day. She cares so deeply about every student she has, helping them in every way inside and out of the studio. When I saw she was teaching a YTT, I knew that was where I needed to be. She had impacted me deeply through her classes and I was so excited to see what was in store next. Throughout my training not only did I learn about the art of Yoga. I learned a new way of life. Walking into training every week was like walking into a family reunion full of loved ones with open arms. Everyone is ready to listen with open minds and hearts. Jenny creates an environment that makes you feel ready to dive deeper inward. She welcomes every part of you. She wants to understand and love you deeper. This journey was impactful spiritually, emotionally, and physically. This training and her soul has changed me so deeply. Even if you aren’t seeking to teach, I would recommend anyone to go on this journey. To know her is to love her, everyone needs a Jenny in their life.

Jamieson S


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"I believe that when we connect with our true feelings there's almost nothing we cant acheive"

Emmy Rossum

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